Level 1
This overview module and the following modules have been written intentionally in the style of a technical document. This is so that the reader sees the type of content needed for technical documents from the outset. The language of the document has been kept simple to allow easy translation. Wherever possible, the modules conform to the rules they state.
These modules have been taught to small, eight-student classes of students. Each module takes 1 hour to teach. Additional examples and exercises were used.
Technical writing is a discipline.
Technical writing is not difficult.
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It is vital that you do not waste your reader's time. It is also important that you do not waste your own time by explaining things that the reader already knows. The reader usually starts reading your document because there is a problem with the equipment or software. The reader must get the equipment or software working again quickly.
This module introduces the use of a typical reader or persona to help make writing more consistent. The best way to save your reader's time is to only tell them information that they do not already know. Always focus on the task the user wants to complete, and describe it simply and directly.
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Researching and Interviewing
There are a limited number of opportunities to get cooperation and information from experts: The experts are people who have the best information about the product, but the experts are the busiest people on the project. It is important to minimize interview time and allow them to develop the product or project. Do not waste the expert's time. The better prepared for the interview you are the less time the interview will take.
Plan the Interview
Review notes from the project manager. Focus on the subjects that you have agreed to write about. Read any previous product documentation on the subject matter. This research can provide useful information. If writing an update or amendment to a product, ask which information has changed and which information is still the same.
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Structure and Function
Structure describes how a thing is built (the architecture).
Function describes what a thing does.
We can describe the structure and functions of everything
Figure 1-1 A Kettle
- This kettle is made out of metal (structure)
- This kettle boils water (function)
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